Eight ways to use music for teaching and learning

July 10, 2008 at 5:40 am | Posted in Benefits of Music, Choosing & Using Music, Music Education | Leave a comment

Not only is it fun and rewarding to learn and teach music; it is also amazing to use music in teaching.  I have used music videos in my Sociology classes for years.  Listening to music also helps us learn other subjects.  Enjoy these easy steps and leave some comments.

These eight steps are summarized from An introduction to The Music Revolution, by Dr. Jeannette Vos, co-author of the world’s biggest-selling book in 1999,The Learning Revolution.

1. Music relaxes the mind and lowers stress levels that inhibit learning. When used effectively, it increases alpha levels in the brain, boosting memory and recall and allowing the brain to access reserve capacities.
2. Music acts directly on the body, specifically on metabolism and heartbeat. Listening to certain types of music can trigger the release of endorphins, producing a tranquil state that leads to faster learning.
3. Music stimulates and awakens, reviving board or sleepy learners and increasing blood and oxygen flow to the brain.
4. Music is mathematical. Certain musical structures stimulate specialized brain circuits, allowing learners to decode complex ideas more easily.

5. Music inspires emotion, creating a clear passage to long-term memory.
6. Music is a stage-changer and can be used effectively to get students into an effective learning state.
7. Music is a universal language, uniquely capable of crossing cultural barriers and training in ethnic traditions and values. It can set a dramatic stage for lessons in history, foreign language, sociology, political studies and geography.
8. Music is a powerful anchor that moors learning in memory.


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